The technology that
makes play easy


The technology that makes play easy

Soundbops has been four years in development. It's taken many prototypes and many hours of testing to refine our truly ground-breaking instrument. And a big part of that is the patent-pending technology we've developed.

Each note is pitch perfect

Each bop is a different note, and a different colour, and engineered to fit little hands perfectly. Gold contacts mean every bop will create exactly the right note every time.

Stack notes to build chords

Place the bops and press the blue button to play. Uniquely with Soundbops, you can stack bops in twos and threes and build chords that play harmoniously - or discordantly!

Ten bespoke instrument sounds

Ten instruments to play - each one designed by our own sound engineer to emulate the real instruments as closely as possible. Children can form Soundbops bands and accompany other instruments.
